The Township of Rideau Lakes is pleased to announce that Steve Holmes has been selected to fill the position of Manager of Parks and Facilities, starting on February 20, 2024.…
Social media offers people a place to share thoughts and ideas, and it’s a fact that shocking news travels faster than the good news stories. When you are considering posting…
The Township of Rideau Lakes is pleased to report that building activity over the last five years marks continued growth and investment. The end-of-year report presented to Council this month…
Rideau Lakes Economic Development Committee is pleased to share that over 700,000 people have been reached through the Experience Rideau Lakes campaign, to inspire people to visit the villages, hamlets…
The Township of Rideau Lakes and Jason Moore, owner of Portside Pub & Eatery are pleased to jointly advise the public that the Portside Pub is scheduled to open in…
The Township of Rideau Lakes is pleased to announce that Gene Richardson has been selected as Fire Chief and will begin on February 12, 2024. In his 30th year of…